Holistic Executive 1-on-1 Coaching: Build Mental & Emotional Skills For Success

Holistic Executive 1-on-1 Coaching: Build Mental & Emotional Skills For Success

If you’re a top manager in a big company, it may seem like you have it all from the outside.

But you know what it’s really like – constant pressure, uncertainty, stress, burnout, and lack of work-life balance. Also, it can be pretty lonely at the top of the corporate ladder.

The thing is, you know that you could work more efficiently, be a better leader, and also probably spend more time with your family. But, the phone keeps ringing, your schedule is tightly packed with meetings, and it seems like you don’t belong to yourself anymore.

What you need is an inspiring mentor and accountability partner who can help you reconnect with yourself, take back control of your time, and get on track with your goals. Meet Tony J. Selimi, an award-winning transformational life and business coach specializing in human behavior and maximizing potential and purposeful living.

In his 1-on-1 coaching sessions, Tony will help you stop sabotaging your success and develop the mental and emotional skills for overcoming personal and professional challenges, which is especially relevant in today’s rapidly changing and highly uncertain business environment.

The renowned business mentor highlights the importance of coaching for manager productivity and engagement and for improved company performance at all levels. His new integrated science and holistic coaching program was crafted with both individual and organizational well-being in mind. By clarifying your authentic hierarchy of values, addressing your unique problems, and guiding you in deep self-reflection, Tony will empower you to unlock your full potential, leverage your strengths, and create an inspiring vision for your work and personal life.

“Not being in control, fear of death, and the stress from staying where you currently are cause you to feel uninspired and unable to work and support your loved ones,” says a representative for the life coach. “Tony will give you step-by-step expert guidance to take you from where you are now to your dreams. He will help you reclaim your time, authentic power, and trust in your abilities to create the vision for your future and embrace your quest.”

Tony creates a custom program for each of his clients, depending on their circumstances and the outcome they wish to achieve. Having developed his integrative approach, he offers an innovative alternative to traditional executive coaching. Using science-based methods and holistic transformational life coaching principles, Tony will help you to create a growth mindset and “re-engineer” your reality to achieve breakthroughs in eight critical areas of life.

You will learn to use Tony J. Selimi’s proprietary TJSeMethod: ALARM®, The Unfakeable Code® Method, Behavioural Change Principles®, and the eight steps of the Octagon of Excellence® method to upgrade your psychology, master your emotions, transform your systems of living, accept your true authentic self and live meaningfully. The knowledge of these methods will also help you create positive transformations in your workplace. Being a mindful, efficient, and inspiring leader will improve employee engagement, create a trust-based culture, and promote overall company well-being.

Tony’s consultations are available in-person in the UK, where he is based, and via zoom. You can also invite the coach to a location of your choice anywhere in the world.

A satisfied client said, “Having Tony as my see-through coach helped me find the real me, the part of me that was missing. With his powerful coaching techniques and expertise in mindset, emotional intelligence, and business, he takes you on a journey that will put you back on track to the fulfilling life you deserve. I feel complete, healed, and full of love, energy, and vitality. This is a truly amazing experience and a gift I recommend people give to themselves. God bless you, Tony.”

You may feel stuck in a rut, but you’re just one step away from becoming the inspiring leader you can be.

Go to https://tonyselimi.com/services/consultations to book your first coaching session with Tony J. Selimi.

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